We have a very tall building here in our area that is actually an "obelisk" and you can see if from all over the city. I believe that it is one of the tallest buildings in this city (if not the tallest). At night, it actually looks to me, the way the lights are arranged, to have the markings of a cobra. It is very definitely a Masonic designed building with eight sides. (Hexagon) I have been to the top of it and looked out over the city from every window and believe me, you can see for miles in every direction. A lady that I know, who "used" to be a high priestess in a Kabala Satanic cult, referred to it as the "all seeing eye" of the Great White Brotherhood. I looked at the skyline of the city from the Baseball stadium here and if you look at the "Principal" Building from there and think of it as the "all seeing eye" then look directly down to the newer Norwest Bank building (which has a similar triangular top as the Principle with a diamond shaped symbol on the front,) and think of some of the Satanic symbolism such as the all seeing eye (or the satanic eye) with the teardrop (diamond shape) underneath, it made me take notice. That symbol is saying that Satan is mourning because the whole world has not yet come under his control. Also, it is interesting to note that the street address of this particular Norwest Bank is 666...........


Here are some photos of what I’m talking about. Do any of the symbols mean anything to you?




Photo of the skyline from this angle. See the diamond teardrop on the front of the Norwest Bank directly under the “eye” of the Principal Building?

Close up of the Principal and Norwest below it. Possible to see this from the ball Stadium.


I got these symbols from Bill Reisman when he was speaking here in the city. You have to remember however, that symbols can mean one thing to one person and something entirely different to another. Such as the Peace symbol which to the 60’s generation meant “hey bro, Peace” but to Satanists it represents an upside down broken cross.