I must admit that I have NOT lost my
love for the Sowders/GAC Movements. Because of the many years of being in
and/or around the group/s there has been a great deal of fondness that has
developed. Especially because of some of the many precious saints who are (and
have been) a part of the group/s, it is difficult to cut myself away from them
entirely...even though, I am sure, I have been cutoff by the majority of them.
My departure from the movement, as an
active participant, was of my own doings. I could no longer accept the manner
in which many of the ministers actually control the minds and the lives of the
followers. The sad part of it all is,...the greatest majority of the followers
either encourage or condone such control. I cannot.
Reflecting back over the years, I see 3
major plateaus on which the movement has dwelled...leaving some folks on each
of the plateaus along the way. The FIRST PLATEAU that I view is that of
REFORMATIONISTS. I truly believe that in it’s beginning, the movement was
genuine in its intent to carry the reformation forward. Then; as time went by,
the movement became overwhelmed in becoming obsessed by the numerous doctrinal
teachings, which they were being blessed with. The obsession became so great
that the movement moved on to the SECOND PLATEAU of being a NON-DESTRUCTIVE
CULT. However; because the followers were so gullible...desiring to have
visible "head-ships" to wholly rely on; AND because the ministers
themselves became so power-hungry desiring to control every aspect of a
person's life, the movement moved on to the THIRD PLATEAU of being a
With "eyes to see", one can
observe that the greatest majority of the now existent assemblies dwell on the
THIRD PLATEAU. There is an appreciable few assemblies that now still dwell on
the SECOND PLATEAU. However; there are a very sparse few, and hard to find, assemblies
that still dwell on the FIRST PLATEAU possessing the spirit of reformationists.
But; it is of extreme importance to be able to observe the many hundreds of
"drop-outs" at every plateau...MOST from those assemblies dwelling on
I personally still prescribe to a great
many of the Biblical Doctrines of the movement while confessing that I do not
accept several. The constant hammering of being "THE Body" is pure
folly. The "life and mind control" of the followers is absolutely
deplorable. So; as can be detected...I have "mixed emotions" and
major concerns in regards to the present day movement. I truly hurt within to
observe the general overall hideous condition.
On the most part, those assemblies now
remaining on the FIRST and SECOND PLATEAUS seemingly are "spiritual
weaklings" feeling they have no where else to go...consequently continuing
to align themselves with the vast majority of the assemblies dwelling on the
It would be great for the movement to
once again be REFORMATIONISTS...but; alas, it doesn't appear that will ever
So; here I am,...along with many
hundreds of "drop-outs", wondering just what it is that God would
have me do. Don't take me wrong...I know that God loves and is working with the
many hundreds of thousands that are a part of His Body. However; it is my
feeling (just my own personal feeling), that we "drop-outs" are
different for a purpose. And;...it is for that purpose I am in search of.
I refuse to "back-slide". I
refuse to turn from trusting completely in the Lord. I refuse to stop studying
His word. I am in fervent prayer to find that for which a "so-called
misfit" is to do.
Forgive me...if I have offended anyone.
It certainly would not be my intention to offend in any way whatever. Just felt
to reflect a little.
Love in Christ, Dave Linder.
By Michael Travis - Aug 24, 2001
Bro. Dave, Your analysis is very
interesting and reminds me of a message I heard a few years ago at a Promise
Keepers rally, only the speaker (Wellington Boone, I think) used the metaphor
of "3 Chairs" for the 3 generations of Israelites:
1. Those that witnessed God's deliverance
2. Those who heard about God's deliverance from
their parents;
3. Those who had no knowledge of God for themselves
and were following after the gods of the Canaanites.
He related it to Christians and even
denominations/movements and how they tend to move from an initial state of
zealous "Pioneers" to complacent Settlers to "knowing not
I don't know what kind of descriptor
best fits my church (Detroit/ Warren, MI) because its 58-year history would
seem to preclude a "pioneer" label, yet your 2nd and 3rd Plateaus
don't seem to fit, either. My view is that we are in a state of being
re-formed, much like a butterfly that is emerging from its chrysalis. The
caterpillar stage is very important and, when compared to the chrysalis/pupa
stage, it seems much more alive. But when it emerges from the chrysalis, it is
much more beautiful and mature than before. We're going through that chrysalis
stage and most people are optimistic that, "We're not what we oughta be.
We're not what we're gonna be. But, thank God, we're not what we wuz!"
Bob Mason - Aug 24, 2001
Bro Dave,
I read your review of how the old GAC
movement went thru it's levels of growth and death. It is so sad to see how the
work of the Lord can, time after time, become so diseased that it has lost it
original focus and goals.
I remember when I first came to a GAC
church. I had never heard of the term "Body of Christ." I was raised
in a Baptist church, in a Godly home, but was so weak in knowledge that I
wasn't sure just what a church was supposed to do and what we as
"Christians" were suppose to be like. When I first met the group of
people in this little church, I found a group of true and open Bible believing
people. They didn't treat me like some outsider or someone less than they were
because I didn't know anything about the "rapture", "Godhead",
speaking in tongues, "Holy Ghost." Boy I really didn't know anything,
except that something was missing from my life. God led me to these honest
people just in time, several months later I was drafted and spent six months in
training in the states and then a year in Viet Nam. All this before I was
twenty. I say all that to get to the fact that I found a group of people who
didn't stand around and pat themselves on the back for who they thought they
were but were willing to do what God asked of them when asked. They prayed for
me to get the gift of the "Holy Ghost" before they knew me all that
When I came back from overseas I was in
CO. for 18 months. I was with my wife and son, who I had not been with for 18 months.
Now I was faced with renewing a marriage and to start being a father but with
no church to help. I had to rely on the Lord to lead me and He did, not to a
"Body" church but to a Baptist church that was on fire for the Lord.
I found life not a name, real God loving people, not self-centered "Holier
than thou" people.
I guess I'm trying to say that it isn't
the name on the door or who started a church that is important. Who do we look
for as the leader or founder, God or man? Are we back sliders for leaving a
group who get stuck on a level of growth? I think we have all looked in the
mirror and had to ask who are we and who are we trying to be?
Bro Dave, we can find the Holy Spirit in
a lot of places and in a lot of people. I just want to leave my spirit out of
the way of finding the right place at the right time and let the Lord to do His
work that is needed. We are all called to do a work. It isn't easy to know just
what it is because so many people we love and respect want to help us find our
place in God. But are "we" finding the Lord for ourselves by
ourselves? He is there for us if we want to find Him.
I know a lot of us who attended church
in so many places, found it hard leave those safe places and people, to go
follow the voice of the "Lord". To those who have felt led to move
on, go for it, for those who have not, please try to pray for us on our
journey. And if we are wrong, that we will find our way home and if right that
you will have the strength to follow us as we follow the Lord. I don't want to
see any one or any group destroyed but that is up to the Lord not me. I ask
that all of you who are on your journey, keep your eyes on the Lord and not
man, listen for His voice not a group's approval. I don't know how many times
Wanda and I have felt alone and rejected as we have gone our way but when
someone writes about how they were helped by a note or message written on these
web sites, then we get our second wind and can go on easier. So you go Brother
and remember you are never alone.
Love in Christ, Bob Mason
Wayne Hamburger - Aug 25, 2001
Dave, I think you have identified pretty
well what has happened to the movement over the years. When I received the Holy
Ghost in 1945, the group had already gone beyond the first plateau. I believe
there has been a continuous thread from the time Jesus was here on earth. The
minute any person or any group starts believing they are the only ones God is
dealing with is the time they start moving away from God and into the limelight
of their own carnal spirit. I can now see this is what happened to William
Sowders when he chose to start conducting the school of the prophets. He became
the final word on the interpretation of the bible and God left him. I believe
he eventually recognized it and that is why he was willing to compromise and
settle for a successor like T. M. Jolly. All of the branches of Sowders' work
talk about going back to the roots, but that root is dead. When they decide to
go back to the living vine, Jesus Christ, and prune out the dead wood from the
past they will become revived.
Wanda M - Aug 27, 2001
I've been thinking about your post and
especially this part where you said:
The sad part of it all is,...the
greatest majority of the followers either encourage or condone such control. I
You are so right concerning this. It
brought to mind this scripture:
Jeremiah 5:30-31 - "A horrible and shocking thing
has happened in the land: [31] The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by
their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in
the end?
These men who control and manipulate the
people would have no power whatsoever if it were not for the people giving it
to them. Robert and I go fishing at a small lake close to our home and we take
a bucket with minnows. We have a small fish net to scoop the minnows up so we
don't have to stick out hands in the water. One thing I noticed is that when
you go to get the minnows, they are all huddled together in the net. They think
that net is a safe place but in reality, it is the most dangerous place in that
bucket because whoever comes up in that net is the one that is going to have
the hook stuck through them and used as bait. :-)
Robert raises rabbits and it's the same
with an animal like a rabbit that is born in a cage and is raised in a cage. If
you open the door to that cage, even if the rabbit goes out, it wants to go
back in because it doesn't know what to do outside that cage. It feels safe in
that cage. It doesn't matter how monotonous or humdrum it's life may be, it
will go back to the cage because it is just too scary without those walls of
the cage around it.
People feel safe in their cages as well.
Many people won't leave a cult because it feels safe there. They don't realize
that there is abundant life outside their cage and they are just not courageous
enough to step out and trust God with their lives. So they settle for the
humdrum life inside the cage where they feel safe and they have someone to
dictate every area of their life for them.
So you are right. The people love to
have it so.
Thanks again for your essay here.
Love in Christ, Wanda
Betty Edmondson - Aug 27, 2001
Greetings to the group in Jesus' new
This is the first time I have meandered
my way into this gathering, and I have been blessed to the max this afternoon.
One thing I have noticed among
spirit-led minds: when they come together, it seems the Spirit has been dealing
with them in similar thoughts, dreams and visions.
For the past couple of days, I have been
thinking of "rattling cages." I was talking with Wanda on the phone
this morning about that, and she directed me to this board. I was astounded
when I just read her post above, and the others before that.
While I was thinking of "rattling
cages," I remembered a young fellow I met in 1980 when I worked in a
correctional center. This was a medium security prison, with razor wire all
around, but the population moved freely within the confines, and had jobs around
the facility. A great many of these men were youngsters who still had many
years of living ahead of them.
One of these young men (I'm not sure I
ever knew his name) was working around close to my desk one day and I spoke to
him and asked him when he expected to be released. He looked at me thoughtfully
and said, "Ma'am, I hope it's never." I could not believe my ears,
but just sat there stupefied. He said, "This is the only home I have. I
get free rent, three meals a day, free medical care, free dental care, I feel
safe, and I don't have to worry about holding down a job. All my friends are in
here. I wouldn't even know where to start on the 'outside.' If they let me out,
I'll find some way to get back in the system."
The other inmates call a person like
this "institutionalized." They feel safe where they are and are
averse to any disruption of their life. They know the routine by heart and it
is too much effort to change. Their life is completely controlled and coordinated
by the status quo. They like being a NUMBER where nothing is required by them
except to do the drill. Their whole life is recorded in a manila jacket in a
metal file drawer.
There are men in prison who are utter
failures on the 'outside,' but they can BE somebody on the inside. They can
earn respect from other inmates in various ways. There are hierarchies, even in
prison. Their total social life in contained behind a razor wire fence. I'm not
saying everybody in prison is like this, but a great many ARE.
The thing that really sunk in while I
was working there is that when a person pulls away from taking personal
responsibility for his own life, he stops developing. We know that personal
growth can measured by 'milestones' of learning to crawl, learning to pull up,
learning to toddle, learning to speak, etc. All these milestones are
stepping-stones from one plateau to another. If a child is isolated during its
normal years of learning to speak, and is not allowed to converse with others,
that child will have great difficulty learning to speak. Being caged sets
limits in a person that inhibit their DESIRE to learn and grow. They grow up
very secure and satisfied with being victims of society, where they feel they
deserve to be taken care of and where others make all their decisions for them.
The other side of this coin is the
"keepers of the cage." I got to know some of the guards who worked
there. They might be a meek little mouse at home, but when they put on that
uniform and strapped on that gun, they took on a new identity. They became
SOMEBODY because they had control over somebody else.
Then over them are the big shots that
run things, and have both the guards AND the inmates under their control. I
have seen some really cruel and sadistic attitudes in some of these politickers
(and I wondered whether THEY should be the ones in the cage).
This goes on with human nature
everywhere. I think the whole world tends to be a cult. I always felt,
"Where there is one willing slave, there are a hundred willing
masters." The warden told me about the balance of power in that prison. He
said, "We have 400 men in here. We have 24 guards. There has to be some
form of consent from the inmates for this to work. If all these men decided to
leave, most of them would be out of here within an hour. But, it is their GUILT
that keeps them obedient. They feel they deserve to be punished, and so they
consent to that without even realizing it."
That was one place I worked where I was
never afraid. Somehow, this system seemed to fill some kind of sick need. If
one person decided he didn't want to be in there and he started raising all
kinds of cane, they transferred him a.s.a.p. so he wouldn't rile up the
population and make waves. Nobody wanted the cages rattled.
Jesus rattled cages. If you think our
subjects are controversial now, just think of how it must have been in his day.
Talk about a NEW WORLD ORDER, Jesus set it up.
How I would love for one day to get into
the mind of Paul and think like he did. What was it that gave him so much
strength and power in prison? How did he ignore his victimization and unfair
treatment and rise up to overcome his cage? It was LOVE.
Paul made a statement that has made a
very deep impression on me over the years. He was talking about his love for
his brother Jews, and he said, (approximate quote) "My love for Israel is
so great, that if it were possible, I would give up my place if Christ.. if
they could attain it." I have never seen that kind of love in this
lifetime, where anyone would give up their place in Christ if someone else
could have it." Boy! talk about the LOVE of God.
Wanda had a dream (or vision) about
being in a prison cell, and she wrote a beautiful poem about it that she has
shared with us. I think it's on her home page. My dear sister, the love of God
has bound us together in a life that is beyond human ties.
Any group, or body, can become a cage if
it deters our growth in God, if it denies us the responsibility to work out our
own salvation. In Christ, victims become victors -not over other people, but
over their own fears and obstacles.
Receive the blessings of today, and be stronger tomorrow. Love in Christ, Betty
Wayne Hamburger - Aug 27, 2001
Betty, I am a regular volunteer at a
prison for juvenile offenders. The ages are from 13 to 20. Most of the kids
have had little or no opportunity in life to end up any place else other than
prison. Every time I leave that institution I look up to God and say,
"Thank you Lord, if not for your mercy I could have been one of those
kids". Everything that Betty has written in her post about the prison life
including both inmates and staff, I can vouch for from my own personal
experience working there. I don't really call it work because it is a joy to
serve the Lord in that capacity. Every time I teach a kid to read better or to
work mathematical problems, my cup runneth over. I am in my fifth year
volunteering and I urge any of you reading this message to get involved in
similar activity. I assure you that a rich blessing is in store for you. Not
only can you enlighten others about the real world, but you can also preach the
living Christ. Praise the Lord.