Video Clips Concerning Tom Jolly’s Arrest & Conviction - 1993


If you do not have Windows Media Player to play these files, you can download it here: You can also download each individual clip to the hard drive of your computer by placing your mouse curser on the link and clicking the right mouse button. Then click on “save target as” and save it to the place on your hard drive that you want to store it. This way, anytime you want to view the clip, it is there and you don’t have to download it again.


To Download Windows Media Player


These files will take a while to download the first time, depending on your download speed. I tried to divide them up in the order that they were on the tape that was sent to me by Wayne Hamburger. The tape was not the original so the quality is not the best but after transferring it via digital video, it came out fairly well.



Jolly One


Channel 4 News

Criminal Charges Filed against Jolly.


Jolly Two


Channel 5 News - Jolly’s followers knock down a cameraman with a car. Look closely and you can see him on the ground.



Jolly Three


Same News Program

Anonymous Interview with a victim.


Jolly Four


Channel 2 News -Interview with victim’s mother.

They say there are More victims out there.


Jolly Five


Channel 5 News - Bonded out of the St. Louis County Jail. Hear another victim.


Jolly Six


Channel 5 News

Jolly had a stroke. Attorney says he can’t stand trial.



Jolly Seven


Channel 5 News

Too ill to stand trial.

Anonymous ex member speaks out. Attorney denies charges.


Jolly Eight


Channel 2 News

Interviews with parents and victims. Jolly old, broken and disgraced.


Jolly Nine


Channel 5 News

See Jolly coming out of the courthouse. Declared guilty on all counts. Three girls were in court. Victim speaks.


Jolly Ten


Guilty by reason of mental disease and defect. Jolly can never be in a church position or be alone with children for the rest of his life.



Clergy Abuse


Channel 5 News

Various clergy abuse along with Jolly


If someone who is in one of these video clips, objects to your face or voice being seen or heard, please let me know via email and I will remove it.

I did not know how to contact anyone to ask permission. I have no desire whatsoever to hurt any of the victims.