of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of
(I wrote this letter from
Dear Brother Goodwin:
Greetings, in the name of
our Lord. I know that you
probably would rather not get another letter from me. If I were in your shoes,
I'd probably feel the same way.
Brother Goodwin, at one time, I defended
you, no matter what. I felt that you were the greatest man of God that ever
lived, the greatest teacher. I did, with all sincerity of heart. In my wildest
imagination, I could never have dreamed that I would be doing what I'm doing
now. It's beyond me. God is doing it through me. He has always warned his
people before he brought his judgment. In some cases, they repented and turned.
In many, they went on in their wicked ways and were destroyed!
I know that all my life, I've prayed,
"Jesus use me. Lord, I want to be a vessel of gold in the house of the
Lord." I've always had a heart after God, since I received the Holy Spirit
at 11 years of age. At 12 years, I was debating with ministers and they didn't
know what to do with the scriptures that I showed them. When my friends were
going to ball games, etc. at school, I went to church. I would not be a
cheerleader because it would interfere with church.
I'm not saying that I was perfect (because I certainly wasn't) but I never really felt insecure because I felt that
I carried the Lord in my heart. I had a priceless treasure. We were always poor
in material things but our family was rich in the important things. We knew
that Mom and Dad loved each other and us! We were taught about love in the real
sense. My Dad may have been a country boy but I guarantee you, he was a
man after God's own heart. I feel very privileged that God allowed me to be
born into this Youngblood family.
You know, Brother Goodwin, we've all made
mistakes. I've made mistakes that I was very ashamed and sorry for but I
remember a message one time that you put in the church, titled, Hope Maketh Not Ashamed. I never forgot that. The mistakes
are not really to be ashamed of, if you learn from them and it turns you
around. It's like a child touching a hot stove. It hurts! You might accidentally
touch it the second or third time but surely not intentionally! I suppose, if
you seared your hand to a certain point, it would kill the nerve endings and
you wouldn't feel it any more. I don't really know. I don't wish to try it.
Brother Goodwin, I really want to do things
right and God's way. If you are my brother, I've tried going to you so we could
make things right. Up to this point, you have not heard me but you keep
increasing in untruths. "Oh what a dreadful web we weave when first we
practice to deceive!" Satan was Eve's deceiver when he said, "ye
shall not surely die!" She made a covenant with Satan, but she did die,
didn't she? You have encouraged others to lie and deceive. There is absolutely
no justification for that! Rahab saved lives, you are only covering up your own skin! God said,
"if you say you are without sin, the truth is not
in you for we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God."
II Timothy 2:25 In meekness
instructing those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them
repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. 26 and
that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his, will.
Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are
spiritual, restore such as one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself,
lest thou also be tempted. (7) Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for
whatever a man sows, he reaps. (8) For he that sows to the flesh shall
of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit
reap life everlasting.
Brother Goodwin, I know that you already
know all these scriptures. (Most of them, I've heard you preach (about) but God
is really trying to warn you. He loves you.
I was reading in Ezekiel this morning and
this scripture really stood out to me and I felt I must relay it to you.
Ezekiel 33:2B - When I bring the sword upon a
land, and the people set up a man as a watchman: If he sees the sword and blows
the trumpet and warns the people. Then whoever hears the trumpet and takes not
warning when the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his
own head. And this also goes the
other way around. The blood can be on the watchman's
head if he fails to sound a warning.
He went on to say in verse 11 - I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that he turn from his way and live. (12) The righteousness of
the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgressions; the
wicked shall not fall in the day that he turns from his wickedness, neither
shall the righteous live in the day that he sins. (13) If the righteous
commit iniquity, all his righteousness shall not be remembered, but he shall
die for his iniquity. (14 -15) and "if the wicked restore the
pledge, give again that which he has robbed
(peoples reputations, money received
under false pretenses, etc.) Walk in the statues of life, without committing iniquity,
he shall surely live!"
Brother Goodwin, I know that love covers a
multitude of sins. I know that you have suffered reproach but in all honesty,
it's been for your own sins! When Nathan approached David for his sin with Bathsheba, he readily admitted it and repented for it but
when you were confronted, you denied it and used lies and deceit to murder
other's reputations!
You must repent!
Brother Goodwin, you taught her to lie!
Years ago (over 10) when Glenn and I had our problems after Robert and I had
our very short-lived affair. After we had found out that (-----) was pregnant
with Lee Ray's baby and that the two of you had been fighting over her and all
the other garbage (these are not accusations, but facts I heard out of
people's own mouths.) We felt like if it was OK for our leaders to do it, then
it must be OK for us. But we could not do it even though we tried.
Anyway, (-----) came to the back to pray for
me and I said "(-----) You've never given a
"damn" about me, why are you trying now?" Now Brother Goodwin, I
heard you say that damn means - half a penny or two cents or something
like that, also I've heard you use words a lot worse than damn over the pulpit!
But then you get up, when I'm not even there to defend myself and tell the
people that I cussed (-----) out like a sailor! Then she mimics
(puppets) the same thing to the band! (I have eye and ear witnesses.) How can
anyone believe or trust anyone there? What about (-----) when she became
pregnant by (-----) and you told her to get an abortion? Did you not want to
mar the Goodwin name? (As well as others.) What about
your own nephew's wife and those who call you brother and pastor and stand with
you faithfully? What about their wives and daughters?
You must repent or you will reap all that
you've sown.
Again I say, You
must repent and make restitution NOW.
Sincerely in Christ,
Sister Wanda Mason