My Story

By Ken Purcell


Posted July 18, 2000 on Mike Davis’ GAC message board

and published here with permission from the author.


I have a lot of emotional pain sometimes about this subject. I was raised in a non-denomination church in Fresno, California that was called Gospel Assembly. My brothers and myself went with my parents four times a week to church. Tuesday Night 7:30 PM to ?, Thursday Night 7:30 to ? Sunday Morning 10:30 AM to ? and Sunday Night 7:30 to ?. You might ask, what does the question mark mean? My dad is always fond of quoting this scripture "Quench not the Spirit". Basically the question mark representing the ending time would be dependent upon the "Spirit" or whenever the "Elders" felt like it was time to dismiss the service, they would dismiss it. But it was a "Spirit" led service Suffice it say; For example, I remember coming home from church at 1:45 in the morning when I was 9-10 years old and then going to school the next day.


No TV, No Christmas, No Movies, No Dates, bell bottoms, long sleeved shirts and so on and so on. But the major hurt I personally experienced was; I was forced to go to church. Even at age 16 I was still being compelled to go to church.. I missed a lot of things because of these stringent requirements. MY brother still holds that against my parents to this day. I do not.


The three main beliefs of this church that I remember accurately were School of The Prophets inspired; based upon the teachings of William Sowders. They are as follows 1. Manifestation of the gift of speaking in tongues was required to be "saved.” 2. Two in Godhead 3.The devil is basically in your carnal mind.


I have no problems with anybody believing anything. That is their right. I believe though that there is a definite line in the sand that has to be drawn. My line, (And I'll never forget this) was the HOURS and HOURS of my uncle, my father and our pastor getting up and ARGUING (They called it discussion HA HA) about doctrinal issues. I especially began to contemplate this as I grew older in the church. How could God be in this? It is psychologically disturbing enough to watching people run around speaking in tongues (again I have no problems with this) It's just as you grow older you are more able to assimilate that this is an expression of worship that is common in certain religions. However when you are younger you are more afraid then anything else.

However when a person is subjected to HOURS and HOURS of MEN talking NOT GOD, then it is only logical that any youth is going to think two things.

1.This is wrong
2.I have to get out of here NOW.

I see this assistant pastor's to Bro. Goodwin letter on your website.. And I just want to scream. "You are so wrong Sir!" He uses these bible scriptures to defend his position. Let me just say, that I myself have been told this as well; You can treat the bible as a ball of wax, and mold it and shape it any way you want to. Any scripture can be interpreted in any way (and sadly some are)


Let me just say right now that I have read some of Sowder's material. And in NO place did I see ANY of the stuff that these preachers mentioned on your website dictated with the exception of "tarrying for the holy ghost". He was a Holy Ghost preacher... You made a comment on your website that I thought was very good. You said that you could not comment on the man's character because you did not know enough about him and I thought that was an honest and fair statement.

There are many men that latch on and follow other men’s teaching because they believe that that particular man was a prophet or whatever. T.M Jolly initially followed Sowders' teaching, as well as Don Patton. But the end result of their ministries turned tragic because of their own actions. I think it is important to realize that there are very good people in all religions of the Prophets and that in all accounts including your own site I have not heard anything negative about William Sowders. In all accounts I have heard (and it seems to me even now after reading his papers and reading them as a converted Nazarene), that he was a good man.

Here is how I differ respectfully with a few of the teachings.

1. No set end time to a service.

The bible tells us (and I hope everyone agrees on this one) that we are not perfect. Therefore consider this;

If you are a pastor of a spirit led church and you had a bad day at work and you are not in the spirit one particular night then... since you are no longer in the spirit, you are relying upon your own mind to decide when to dismiss the service, Depending upon your own personal interests at that point in time.. You can let other people testify and ramble meaninglessness for hours or you can testify (your mind telling you of course that you are in the spirit when really you are not) in either case this is wrong.. Why not a 90 minute service then if something is really urgent it can go on (This is only logical folks.. Hello?)

2. I believe in a physical devil for many reasons.. Here is a very basic one, Try listening to some of these musical artists and then see their influence and then tell me that the devil is all in your mind...



Not all of my thoughts or end results of going to a School of the Prophets are bad. I mentioned that there was no TV in my house and so I read books. I can attribute my scholastic success to my parent’s upbringing because of this. My parents realize a lot of the stuff that went on in that church was wrong and they have apologized to myself and my brothers because of this. But you see it wasn't God or William Sowders that created these situations but it was other men in whom profound trust was placed in that failed. Admittedly my conception of God for many years was negative. Then in 1989 I married a girl whose parents were Nazarene. In 1991 after several years of drug abuse because of my own stupidity, I turned back to God and have him to thank for my life and my family. I am now a Computer Programmer in Sacramento, California. Even though my parents don't believe the way that I do, they pray for me as well as their current church in Fresno (which is School of the Prophets) and that makes me feel good.

When I read the bible today, I read it for encouragement to sum up my Christian experience I would say I have three key scriptures.

Cor. II Chapter 7 verses 5 and 6 ... Outside were conflicts, inside were fears, nevertheless God who comforts those that are cast down comforted us...

There was I time in my life that I hated God, Yet God still comforted me.

The second scripture goes with the third Romans 8 Verse 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

But sometimes I still get down on myself....and then I found this:


John 3:20

For if our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts and knows all things

There may be some people viewing your site that have been victims They sacrificed a great portion of their lives.. They may be feeling depressed. The last scripture I would leave you and them with is this:

Hebrews Chapter 6 verse 10

For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward his name..

Thank you for this website and an opportunity to speak..


Ken Purcell -