Open Response to Glenn Goodwin


June 18, 2008


If you read this, no, I am not satisfied because there was absolutely NO repentance. You're acting like you never knew anything whatsoever that LLG was doing. Did you even read my letter? If so, you didn't address anything that was in the letter other than to deny you knew anything. I wish that was the case, but I know it is not the case and so do you. Your letter was not really even written to me. It was written for the ministers that you know are going to read it.  Glenn, I wrote that letter, believe it or not, hoping that you would really listen and that you had really changed. I’ve never had anything against you personally. You’ve not “personally” done anything directly to me. This is no public relations stunt as you said in your email. But your silence is alarming.  Your insinuation that I only imagined that something happened to me:

”I am sorry that you believe you were hurt by leaders of this church many years ago. “

At least 500 people heard him threaten my life and that God was going to kill me!!!

You sat there and listened for five years of him lying about me and crucifying me before my friends. Could you at least repent to me for that? You sound like you think I'm delusional and that I only "BELIEVE" I was hurt!!! At least Gary King, Donna, Larry JR and others repented to me for listening to those lies. Couldn't you at least do that? Or did you believe those lies? Remember Glenn, LLG said that if I did not die in a horrible fiery crash and be burned and charred beyond recognition, GOD NEVER CALLED HIM TO THE MINISTRY!!! What are you going to do with that? Those words were out of his own mouth. He's dead. I'm alive. Yet, you still call him your Apostle. Your church was NOT built on Jesus Christ. It was built on a false prophet.

I will still talk with you if you wish, with my husband present, but I "will" bring up the past. I will still hold you accountable for acknowledgement and repentance for the atrocities that were committed in your church even though you weren't the pastor. The blood of the saints is dripping off that place and your hands. I love you enough to tell you the truth. I have absolutely NO desire for "publicity." I have a life. But I can not just sit back while people are still wounded and bleeding. This is not going to stop. Do you still want to speak with me personally? You refused Robert, Gary and Bill saying that you would only speak to them if they didn’t say anything. 

I know that you would rather do this privately, but it’s too late for that. This HAS to be done before the church. So everything has to be public. We still need a public repentance. We’re not your enemy either, Glenn, never have been. I sat and listened to Lloyd Goodwin for 20 years. Even when I wasn’t there, he was sending me tapes and I was sending my tithes. He accused me of being a prostitute. I didn’t imagine any of this and neither did any of the other hundreds of people who are just waiting for an apology, if nothing else.

If these other body ministers do not call you on this and hold you accountable like God has commanded them to do, they will go down with the ship. It's as simple as that.

Sincerely in Christ our Lord,



Letter back from Glenn Goodwin

Open Letter to Glenn Goodwin from Wanda Mason